Nothing new..
Portland ontario... Rofl.. You could plug your camcorder inot the tv and then record to get better quality than that, not best but its better. I...
Lol, Isnt it?
For that site only i believe...And Dont speak of community montages right now..
He learned how to juggle, And he has to get outside to get to that arcade, He is out if he knows about the arcade, Nobody accually waste there...
Took this at my friends about a year ago when halo first came out."][IMG]...
You can win twice, Lmfaoo
I do, But what does that have to do with people wanting to sit at home and play games?
It's just what they want to do then. I mean, Im sure somone who doesnt like that waste his time with that but if you do like playing video games...
Maybe they dont have anything better to do, There anti social with no friends and have abusive parents, What else would you want to do other than...
Colors and Gradients Confused me, Thanks though.
Halo Screen Shots Click what pictures you want, and you'll see something saying High impact halo - Forgehub. Copy that link and paste it in...
Ajax? And your lucky then.
I CANT FIND THAT STOCK ANYWERE!!! Hells, If i do a battele, ill post in a bit.
You should Embed Some Bud, Just So people can see, then put the link under them, just so people get a quick peek.
Do i just write down what i do?!?!
I can hook you up.
k. Filler
6-7 but you might be able to change that..
You should vote in the screenshot of the week. It closes tomorrow.