lots of posts...whoa.
the one you did about MC.
lots of posts.
I like your animation/avatar.
That shoutbox post was odd...
You named a map after your friend? thats odd but nice in a forging way...nice map. Any other weapon spawns not known of?
Yeah get em up real soon mister... It looks nicely done but I spotted absolutely NO weapons. what w/ this bull?
Hey, wanna swarm the FH shoutbox?
Er, ok. I`m not entirely charismatic to most so don`t expect me to get five people to support nor should you expect me to fail.
happy birthday
true. that would be odd. So, say I were to get a few, if not alot, of supporters? Even if you barely knew them would you do it?
cool. I`ll use the link...
so uh, you gonna start up the group again?
i have a feeling LOCK may not do it, but i found your request interesting so i gave it a go:
Pink is "s`mexy" and stuff. Any recommendations?
For the horde!!!! group is inactive.
Lol, you changed your gt too? So that was you yesterday......
being the 600th visitor. duh.
I was. why`j ya ask?
how do you get in the guild?