i think you could throw in some ghetto run down base in the back area, bottem, it could be like a base with borken walls, and somethinhg that...
your right about unlocking weapons, but my two favorite guns are unlokced crazy fast. One you get at level 3, wich is basically 5 kills, and the...
I dont think you can just ask to have your reviews, if it does well on its original post, odds are it will be checked out. If everyone could just...
looks awesome Scopulus, if you ever need any help, gimme a pm, i would love to be apart of thhis.
Hmmm.... iLick, some one has an idea to sell to apple. Deff get it, iTouch is awesome, I love mine. I use it all the time, typing is hard,...
this map is extremely well made, and also has a cool layout, i love how you incorporate the waterfall with other rooms, and i think the center...
this is a great map my friend, it has some very coool interlocking as well as geomerging, and i really like the layout. I also think your...
They all look pretty good, i love gridlock, in gears of war girdlock and Feul Depot were my two favorite maps, prob because they were sniping...
hey i was in the review hub testing game last Wed, i want to apologizing for leaving early, and not playing durring some of the Project z game....
1- The Departed, my opionion is the best 2- Happy Gilmore ---Classic 3- There's Soemthing about Mary----OMG 4- Cloverfield- ---simply amazing 5- I...
ha thats hilarious, the only cool thing that every happens in my games is sticky's nothing crazy ever happens. i love this, i would have exited...
forggin looks good, the stairs look a little crooked, but playable. It seems like it has a cool layout, with some crouching rooms, ive never been...
Your right, off topic may be the right place, I was trying to decide between the two. If i was wrong, maybe a mod could place it in off topic.
Last Wed i was in a Review hub game, with quite a few people. I was planning on ,leaving on vacation later that night, but my ride showed up...
this is really, really cool. the interlocking is awesome, and it has some very, very well made turns. it looks very challenging, maybe a little...
looks retty cool, a lot of nterlocking was used, thats cool. the soccer ball system is also well madee, the goals looks a little sloopy, but so...
it looks messy, it could use some interlocking, if you know how, it will make the bridges run a whole lot smoother. I think you should also try...
i honestly thought gears of war, the original, could have done anything better, i didnt find the levels to be bleak and colorless, i thought they...
Yes. Deffinately. "guys, guess what! Over the summer, my brother and I smoked marijuana. you guys, it was awesome. I'm gonna do it everyday for...
wait, you guys dont think martyrdom deserves to be featured? are you serious? could you explain? i think its an amazing map.