its easy bro, If you try it, with no interlocking or anything, you shoudl easily be ableto get it in. Lie it flat, then tilt the hell out of it...
haha im gonna try this, if i could get a picture that epic, my life would be sick. Good luck to me though, i never get anything like this, im...
Thats sick, 15 months the kid probably could even say amen. I never go to church, and when I grow older, I think I'll do the same, these people...
pretty cool my friend, you make a lot of cool stuff in your maps. My persona favorite is the ladder, I might steal that idea. Gameplay might not...
Ah, Mallet. What's with the sneakyness? Trying to go under the radar with Silver. I downloaded it earlier today, And I will admit, it is pretty...
allright, its pretty cool. Avalanche is a terrible map to play on, so your power weapons add a little more action, I like that. I think the...
Nicely done, Tex and Shadow, Review hub did this the other day, it was awesome. It got one of the highest scores i believe, like a 9.5, thats...
thanks, your right about the box being kind of sloppily geomerged, I'm just getting good at it now. The layout seems okay for me, i just liked...
in one day, one hour, and twenty seven minutes, I will be victorious in some category. The real reason i posted is my bungie pro runs out soon,...
this will probably help me making one of my maps, thanks bro. BTW, whats mallets way, he makes insane maps, maybe his works too?
whats snes, which system is that, i think i had ness, im not sure. clarify it a bit, maybe i can help i had a copuple million games for that think
jeef, the silence broken nailed it, thats what I do too, i have it in some of my maps, thats about the only way, maybe tilt it a little idk. I...
was the snes the one that had like the square games you stick in through the top? If it was I only played power rangers on it sorry, i was like...
I'm glad its coming, I've been waiting for a while, I really enjoyed making my map, because without interlocking, and perfecting the interlocking,...
well im 14, i don't know much about economy, but I think it would be cool to have the olympics come to Boston...(not like thats where i live or...
i would join late, and leave early hahaha, i couldnt take that many people. plus it would have to be some giant map, like sandtrap, or a full...
i like it, whats the hammer of dawn though? rocket launcher, or special power up? what happens oif the berserker getds it? anyway this sounds...
Holy ****, that would be insane. i might stay away from whole buildings, because they would be in others maps, and i like to stay original. but...
ha you should get your maps from my sig haha. I'm glad review hub is bgetting started again, GO4ER you seem like your in charge haha. I think...
Nice job with this one Tex, pretty clean interlocking, with some nice aesthenic touches. I played it w/ the review hub, though I had to leave...