Check out Mallet's Silver, oh my god, haha its insane. Its really well made, my favorite in the contest.
i actually donwloaded this, i just needed a budget glitch map, but it actually works, and helps have the walls pre geomerged, i really like it, so...
coool looking map, i really like trhe pallet bridge, some ice interlocking, but its a little open. I just thought i would let you know, i posted...
okay ill help you out then, i already told you i dont have time for a collaberated map, and thats not what you want, and i like to help out, so if...
your right, silver is amazing, along with linubidix's map, but floating objects is allowed, but I agree with you, even though i would rather use...
this is really creative haha i love it, every game looks like it will work, and aesthenics are good as well. im deffinately downloading this, 5/5...
Murdok, Scopulus left us =( He posted a whole thread on it saying how he isnt returning to forge hub anymmroe because school matters too much this...
Its not like that, I thought Ihad the same problem, I was like at the bottom of the list with no oonline ratings and like 45 views, then I clicked...
i see there were only 3 full pages poasted right? so whats that like 20 something maps? victory gauranteed ;) i think i have a decent chance at...
Ha it took me a while to get it, but the last one is my favorite, they cant move to get attack him right hahaha
I couldhelp out now and then, but im working on 1 colaberated map already, deffinately a second, when my parner gets his xbox back, and possibly a...
This map looks awesome, some of the aesthenics are amazing, like the curved ceilings, and archways, i love that in maps. I think the layout is...
ha this is so fun, I played this with my friends a week or so ago, I knew it was awesome. We played it with like a aprty of 12, so it was...
mlb 06 the show, i had that and nba 17, then i realize, why am i playing this, 360 is 1000000 times better.
hahaha he looks like a turtle i love it hahaaaaaa. you should have taken a video too,how come nothing cool happens to me
pretty cool scopulus, just ebcause i can do the second thing without looking at the screen doesnt mean its not good. im just god. ha i thought...
haha mallet, tha would be wicked funny. Idk you never gave fair warning like watch out, the winners here or anything. Thats what you did with...
its a pretty cool looking map, okay layout, its a little open, and if people say more interlocking, state where. If I were you I would interlock...
im gonna say my favorite type is cat and mouse, fallowed by cops and robbers. i think they're both fun, but most of my custom games are with my...
amazing bro, how manty downloads did you have on the last one like 100, this one is also insane, your soo good at the curved affect, of course,...