okay thanks bro's im an idiot, and got confused hahaa, glad your eviewing again. maybe i can help out durring some of your testing games?
this is gonna get locked my friend, check out forgemates, theres a whole thread, it works.
'There ya go, your not very narrow anymore"
ight ill go on in like 3 minutes, just send me a regular message
i read through the last page, but it kinda just talks about ideas, it doesnt have any of the maps names, sory E93, im tough to deal with, im an...
thanks vinny, thats basically what i wanted to say, your just a smarter guy then i, i sappose.
so wheres the list of recomended maps that need to be checked out?
dont by from the tobacco industries? its not that difficult, dont they have some sort of ingrediant list?
ha i will admit that was pretty cool, and that was an awesome song. nice job whoever made this.
i had dead rising for a week, brought it to my friends house, and his freakin cousin took it, i havent played it since. I'm glad this is coming...
Vinny your right, but what i was trying to get at, is some type of limit, or some test, so that you cant be out in public, like how you cant be...
i dint thik you could actually ask to have a map reviewed, but okay thats cool, i think youll get some garbage thugh, no offense to anyone on...
ravvnzcroft, that is a great game, idk if that will sapposrt 16 npeople or however many, but nonetheless he should tryi t out. maybe some versio...
robber=Epic fail 85 year old=Epic triumph this is one of the funniest things ive ever heard, god what would you do if yuou were that robber?
Tex, I have to say that was one of the best posts here, thank you so much for getting this back on topic. I get frusterated when people say weeds...
idk blaze, not my type of music, but i guess i could see how you would like it. and hwen the singer came in, i couldnt really catch what he was...
damn im screwed haha, it doesnt matter, i have a bunch of other maps in progress, that was my farthest along though. i guess ill take it out of...
Archaopterix, by comic rick, Curbstomp by BlazeIsGod, Reflex, Jenga Tower,The chute, a certain map in my sig..., uhm those are my favorite maps, i...
I've been forging a map, for a while with a ton of effort put into it. The first floor was all geomerged, it had an extremely unique layout, and...
I is spider haha thats a cool pic, he looks like a spider.