i agree, luv dat song, but i have another catchy one, even though just about everyone has eard it, paper planes by M.I.A.
Golf tee it up, 3d ultra mini golf, and marble blast ultra are all awesome.
this is really coolm amazing interlocking and geomerging, and a really sweet layout, i love the slants you have on the map, i think its rly well...
hmmm not too long ago, I haz a thread for questions check it out
Oh yay, its Scopulus! And Tex, don't wrry about it, I was just wondering when I can put the victory banner in my sig, now or l8r?
Cole Train-Gears of war, Fallowed by Carmine, also Gears of war.
lazy mapmakers, and the one your hosting are the only 2 i know of, lmc is official, yours isnt, oh and theres an above map contest, unofficial though
it takes a little getting used too, I don't mind though
Hahaha, so are you handing me the win? Tex, I was wondering if your coming closer to finishing, if your on your last couple of maps, or if the...
It's actually called "Tough guy red text", but anyway... It got discussed with the writers of forge hub, and we talked about it a little on this...
It's liked for many differant reasons, I dislike it, because all the infection maps are houses or something like that, and have all been done...
Whoa, me like =). You hsve some really cool interlcoking, and the aesthenics are great as well, I love the curved wall too, Thats something I...
ha I love the caption contest idea, haha Nubs"I'll still kick your ass"
Okay, I'll try to sum it up for you guys, because, you're right Tex. Lets see, where to start, how about Liberty? The most basic reason for the...
hmmm' I'm working om a few things, one of them is about 25% done and is a collaboration map, but We've run dry too, we are both expierienced...
Uhmm... no, i don't know anyone like that...*looks guilty*. don't ask any of my friends if thye know anyone, they don't. Oh and my 3 headsets...
HAHAHAHA this is one of ym favorite picks, i love it, 5/5 obviously What happened he get stuck in the hand hahahahah
I think its pretty ool, mario kart is nasty btw, so prob like AA 7-8
matty the third map was monument I believe, I was wondering, when the next review session is? Because if 10 maps are gonna get on the page, a lot...
Wow, a lot of good has been done in the last couple of days eh? This map is almost perfect dude, the best MLG i have ever seen, extremely...