whoa, was my first reaqction, this looks really great, floating maps suck to make. This looks really cool, plays well, and has a peeerrrrtttyyyy...
psht, my mapp doesnt need a video to impress...but one would be nice to show off...if i only knew how.
are those six spots for the review hub team, or some one like, idk...me!?
I disagree, i think the boxes were made like that on purpose, to add to the can-yon-ee feel...errr. I think its a pretty good idea, and is pretty...
its a pretty unoriginal idea, i have to say, maps like these have been made many of times, but im sure as you ocntinue forging, youll get better...
seems like not a bad idea, aesthenics lack though, you could interlock the walls with sign and bridges, and maybe it will look better, also i wold...
i was diggin the firstt one haha he wouldnt ****in tell me if he loved me or not hahaha
I writing this as i read it so, here we go, i love gears one btw -Wtf, i hated playing campaign in caves and not seeing for **** -vehicles? i hope...
Ight, this is a thread about the end of summer, to talk about the good times and the bad, friends made and lost, new things you tried, and how...
iy says you began testing and grading 2 days ago tex, but i r anxious, and it feels like two years, so hopefully your coming close.
osm bro, welcome to forgehub, and good luck with your mlg greatness.
wow bro, this is flat out amazing, some of the aesthenics, are, words cant even describe. The interlcoking is perfect, along with everything else...
wow this looks like one of the best shiips ive seen actually, and this one aLSO LOOKS PLAYABLE, NOT JUST FOR AESTHENICS, I SAY SCHWEET JOB BRO,...
check out forgemates, theres lots of people who have greeat ideas, but just cant forge it good enough.
hahahaha not the person who gest splattered by a dumpster while already in mid air because some noob isthrowing grav lifts everywhere, hahaa dont...
this is a reaaalllyyy nice looking dome, and it has a ton of potential, unfortunately i think the layout inside of their, could use work,...
im rockin all black braces, gettin mad babes doin it. haha its your choice, what you think looks best.
Oh boy, Ill do it i guess. Your pictures not embedded, some one will prob comment on how to,since my discription will be terrible, also write a...
ha be like ben stillars friend in the heartbreak kid, keep your wife happy, and your happy. congrats man, and good luck wih everything in the future.
of course not, i've been playing games since i was like 5, all perrrty bad. now excuse me i gotta go hold my neighbor hostage at gunpoint then...