I don't think there is unless you use two stable ones at the same place. I'm not sure but I don't think you can do it with vehicles / AA's / etc....
Problem is, that if you use Berb's idea, you can't give the other players the Sprint ability off spawn but you will have them pick them up...
That was mostly due to the fact that we were only playing with 8 people and one zombie at start. Believe me, it gets a lot more hectic when you're...
How about today (Sunday) at 1pm EST? Send me a message on Xbox Live saying "inv" to get in! Thanks in advance!
Woot! Thanks for all the kind words mates! It's only still there by the edges of the map, so it won't bother gameplay whatsoever. And pyro and...
Deadborough By REMkings A city, shattered. The ever enduring civil war had taken away everything that was once beautiful about this obsolete...
No. I'm running into some problems, some of them concerning the thread but most of them concerning school >:(
We'll get there! And I'm creating a new final thread for Deadborough in a second!
Nice try, except for a few errors you did pretty well. Keep up the good work, my young padawan ;) (In case you were interested, this is the...
lol Paints. :)
I like the BR way better but the DMR is going to be better, unfortunately. Unless they make the BR a good old 4 shot again.
Haha geeft niet, ik was op dat moment nogal geirriteerd door de connectie dus het kwam er bozer uit dan bedoeld. :) En ja, op een gegeven moment...
No man, I mean you could put the warthog on that ridge where you initially put the custom powerup. That way, they cannot get the vehicle until...
Replied to LWR.
We need to talk about our map on Skype bro! I have had many new ideas lately! :D Edited by merge: You could've also just put the warthog on top...
It's so cool to see you're really getting into using the inclines, just like I did back in the days. And they're very useful for Forerunner maps...
I wasn't, ForgeHub prefers competitive maps so the third place feels like a win to me. :D Thanks for voting! Hope I can get more maps in FHF in...
THANKS BRO! I'm really really satisfied to see this result! It's extra cool that I got to place third with an Infection map, something that...
Yay! I'm really glad to see my map got third, considering it's Infection this feels like a win to me! Awesome!