By the way, I thought of a different name that's a bit more suitable: "Perseverance in Persia: Dreams of Undead Adventures". (Since our map is...
PLEASE check this out asap!!!
lolwut? changed your gt already?
Okay, whatever, something must've gone wrong somewhere. I don't blame you though. Are you actually also interested in hosting BIOC lobbies yourself?
Yeah, I like that idea! I'll post a new thread soon, but first we have to get together as the BIOC staff, so we can discuss plans for Halo 4 and...
Are you sure you want to make a new map this late in Reach? I mean, I DO have ideas (a ton, actually), but I'm just delaying things for Halo 4....
I watched closely and I noticed you recorded it from a different player in the second round and further on. Do you think you can re-record it, but...
Thanks and thanks, but eh, it was definitely not that laggy in the actual game itself? lol Can you enable YouTube remix or whatever it's called,...
I can't promise anything but if I can force myself to start studying for my exam in time, I think I can play some games on Sunday at 7pm my...
If you can - and want to - you should change your gamertag to "El Dee" or something of that sort. I checked and it's still available, or at least...
I'm working on a linear map on Ridgeline, but I'm guessing you consider that a forge map.
How about a Mines of Moria setting, with the Mantis being the troll? Or a huge army of Mantises (or whatever the plural is) having to breach Minas...
You can add me right away, "remkings", but I don't think I'll have time to do the interview right now or this week. College's being a *****. But...