Wait, someone was defending Hemorrhage? Now I've seen it all.
Playing Hemorrhage was your mistake.
Next map to have 5 rocket launchers confirmed?
Having 3 power weapons on such a small map generally isn't a good idea. That why I said that it seems a bit much.
You can assassinate people without the animation you know.
You can see them every day in Premium Battle.
2 Snipers and a Rocket Launcher seems a bit much for a 2v2 map.
It might help if you told us how you broke the map.
Having two grenades at spawn in Squad Slayer. It's 5v5 on small maps, doesn't sound like a great idea does it?
If you want to add some color I suggest using the platform Y objects. The sides are really colourful.
There are some very nasty tasting pizza's out there. Remember that!
Everything if Forge can cause a lot of lag. Just don't place a lot of object in a small space and you're usually good.
Wasn't really a fan of the map when we last played it. It's a bit too catwalky. And the fact that you can pretty much shoot people all over the...
Well I sure didn't gasp in awe.
Looks rampy. Can't wait to test it out.
I just look at what Halo maps have done in the past. That usually gives me a few ideas.
4 DMR spawns right next to each other? That's just silly.
"Someone left his screen on so it must be a hint!" And that's how 3000 posts long theory topics are created on B.net.
What stream? All I see is armor lock.