I'm not entirely sure why you're even arguing about this. You haven't had any experience with any bloomless weapons. I'm not saying you're wrong,...
Doesn't the NR have a much higher RoF?
So in short; Rorak got raped. Anyway, I think a lot of issues with the map can be solved by simply doing 2 things: -Creating a sort of loop at...
People jumping down? Seriously? Delete this ****.
Is there a good BTB map that doesn't follow the basic concept of 2 bases and some vehicles?
This is such a silly complaint. Hivemind is quite unique in its layout. It has bases and vehicles, so what? Every single BTB map has that in one...
Yeah, you get real good in multiplayer if you play a ton of FireFight. >_>
Hmm that's an interesting idea.
I think each base provides plenty of cover to spawn people in.
That's kind of disappointing.
Premise was a 2v2 sized map. This seems a bit bigger. 3v3 maybe?
Ehm, that way it will spawn every 2:40. What I'm saying is that a match is actually 12:10 long instead of 12:00. Those first 10 seconds is the...
Setting it to 2:30 minutes wouldn't change anything. It would spawn after 2:20 minutes the first time.
Let's say for example I've got a Rocket Launcher set to 178 seconds on drop spawn. This way it will respawn exactly every 3 minutes. Problem is...
This I agree with. From the looks of it at least. Haven't played it yet.
I just don't like the idea of there being a possibility of people getting more kills with power weapons than the primary spawn weapon (DMR)....
Two Snipers a Rocket and an Overshield? Dear God, here we go again. Why do a lot of Forgers insist on putting so many power weapons on their maps?...
I wish we had more threads about stuff we wish we had in Forge.
I want a solid framerate.