I don't want shitty Forge trees with shitty shadowing on my glorious Timberland.
MLG FF pro.
I'm not talking about bleedthrough when you're meleeing someone, but when you're shooting someone. It's nigh impossible to judge when you can...
Yeah already played it and it made me realize how much I hate bleedthrough. Reach's system is far from perfect, but it does give you a clear image...
I've been waiting to get approved for over a year. I've got about 90% of HaloGAF on my friendslist, though. I'm like the best known lurker on...
Because we all enjoy our share of hectic. Evade on a small map is annoying. Having only one heavily decreases the abuse, but I personally still...
I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by the Halo Bulletin today.
How about getting 2 flag caps and continuing to kill them afterwards? :P Seriously though, the problem also lies in the fact that (like i said...
Evade on such a small map is not a good idea.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=31150232&postcount=9073 And it seems like the Games on Demand en the Halo Reach preview disc versions...
This goes for every playlist except MLG and Arena. I really wish this wasn't the case. I get a good competitive match maybe 1 in a 100 matches...
The CGI animation video has nothing to do with Halo 4 by the way. It's just to show off what the guy who made it can do and has nothing to do with...
It seems more like a 'I'll ask some guys when they're on xbox live' kinda thing. Ah well.
I don't see why you would have to make a thread for this. :/
By the way, you guys might have noticed I removed the pyramids at the top of each side. I preferred the cleaner look I had going before I added...
I think the biggest problem is that this map is posted in the competitive maps section even though it's not meant for competitive matches, but...
I agree with you. There are definitely some things I liked about the map, but also enough things I could've done better. I did learn a lot about...
This has been finished for quite some time and in the end I can admit that I'm not that pleased with the result, but I thought I'd it anyway....
The editing was simple but effective. I'm not really a fan over the whole over-the-top editing and all that. Also, try not to use as many...