Yea, plus levels to bring out the darks and lights. I can tell you how exactly if you're using Photoshop.
awesome news: Artifact was over written by Purification >.> do you still have it on your HDD? cause' i took it off my fileshare...
[IMG] It might be late, but its the thought that counts <3
Thanks, and yes, there is a grid there so it shows the water, but you're able to walk on it. much like a window. and yea. weird, but it' a game....
*Longshot comes along Hey thur!
it's pretty cool. As i thought before, the stuff on the side is to much. :/ For a banner, i think it would be best to show what it works best for....
holy halabid! This map is godly! ♥ I never really expected this to be released to the public truthfully...Thought it would be forever lost with...
dude, me too!
so i saw that you need an hdmi cable...i have an extra, i ca just mail it to you lol yea, so i worked 14 hours to day -.- but tomorrow, ill be on...
Cool. I don't know when the next time I'll be on when you are. I've been working nothing but close and open-to-close shifts, which means no halo time.
I do have to say, Aqueduct was an inspiration to me. I thought the risk/reward for the power weapons was a great idea. I think that is the only...
This can be completely understandable.
Hey bro, you dont have to help with the spawn system if you don't want to. I truly understand; you do help a lot with spawn systems in maps. I...
"Stig has never payed before" "I played campaign once....once..." Lol. very nice. I really enjoyed the commentary. I bet a game on Purification...
Same here...just an N64 instead. But hey, it's the internet. It's their choice to possibly be yelled at for their non-mature-squeaky-ness...
Yeah, I keep adding and taking away railing in that area. I think I finally decided not to have it. It's easier to see the little platform. The...
No, use silly lol What do u joking take seriously? Lol