Hey I had a thought. I saw on Noxiw's map/gametype settings that he had no radar for his FFA/TS games. What are you thoughts on having my...
I saw some changes on Verticaus. I like the new name btw, i believe it fits it very well. I can get some more testing on here too. I enjoyed the...
yea, wtf. get on right meow
i love your latest comment on Cargo Port. I'm so proud of u lol
So hey, i have a nice clip now (and lot of films). It would be awesome if you could capture it, and maybe do some editing?...
Yo bro from Ohio, I'm going to make a map preview of my newest map today. I'm thinking on just naming that one Artifact?... EDIT: Nevermind....
psst, someone posted on Cargo Port...
Okay, I just want to back up on Psycho on this cause' I have played this countless times, but I also want to note that I like really competitive...
So I updated the Purification MP with KOTS. I believe someone got some thanks. I'm not so sure who though :)
We need to test out my unnamed Map. That is all.
"like" :) are you going to update your thread saying it can play mlg now? (I didn't look)
Yeah, I didn't know about this game intill a couple days ago. I DL'd the first game's trial, really liked it, and im wasting my time and...
lol well cool. I like stuff right up my alley. you can join me if you want...yeah, im being a creeper. That map of mine is in my fileshare if you...
dude, that map in your file share is awesome!! I'm talking about Cargo Port btw, Scimitar was ok <3
Lol well I don't have Artifact anymore, bit I can create a preview of that unnamed map that we need to test.
so i thought u were going to make a map preview of Gallant?...
I'll PM you how to. I'm going to type a lot lol
lol oh, well i can go in-def if you have photoshop?
...well if your wanting pictures edited for Ambience, I can do it for u?...
Hey, you should put the Map you want to show me on your fileshare so I can download and check it out, and I'll do the same :)