lol dude, i really like the changes. and the best part...... Screen lag only in one area!! :):):):):):) im going to update it right meow
umm no :) hey, i got a preview thread of purification. I got the screen lag completely gone, the CPU is back up in its original spot with the...
The projects are looking great so far. I would say that Decadence is one of the best looking. Looks like a very interesting layout, like you said....
Lies! there's no camo the last time i played :P But anyway, i played this two times now and i really like it. Nice, plane, and simple to...
Purification [IMG] Alright, so this is a small, asymmetrical, 2v2, map i have been working on for going on a month. It has...
No, I was just curious lol
Hey, when do u go to hawaii?
yo bro from ohio, we need to play more customs soon, cuz i think i need to pwn you :)
I'm glad that this map is improving even more. It;s nice having games on here, and i really enjoy them. I wonder where you got some of the roofing...
yea, im not a cool an awesome kid who puts that bacon on pizza :) what's with u and food these days? lol
ok, cool. I have the image size the same as the dimensions you talked about. Is there anything you want added to the 1st place? with 2nd and 3rd,...
ok, well im messing with it and i can create a GIF. Like, what im thinking now, and im hoping that this works for u, is have the "1st" and "item...
hey, for the pictures, what format do you want them? PSD, jpeg, gif?