I actually really liked this map, it's really fun for gametypes like ctf and assault. It is very cleanly forged, and I love how you added natural...
although it's not an original idea, it still looks very nice, but I would suggest removing or changing the special efects, other than that, great map.
I really like the map, but I think it would be better if you just put a falcon instead of the one you made. No offense. Even though you cant put...
I think this map is actually a lot more fun to play on than darth humans map because there are more golfballs so its actually a lot harder. Also...
this map looks very good, but I suggest that you put railings on the side of the zipline, because It looks a little strange right now, and maybe...
I agree with I PAINTS I, the gameplay looks very good but the aesthetics aren't so good. So I suggest that next time you make a map, to work on...
I sent you a pm that I made the thread, and also I submitted Cross-Hatch to the tg. When can you be online to test this map though?
Hey, I submitted the map to the testers guild
Yah, I'm gonna send the new map to the testers guild soon, and yeah, I'll post a thread cuz I still need some action picks on this map and I might...
Thanks man, I'm trying to get a game on it now. Tell me if you ever get the map pack, then we could maybe get a game on it, because it's really...
I added custom gametype, and next time I go on xbox i'll change the name and do a update of the map and this thread. Edited by merge: I got rid...
Wow, nice job man, it didn't take too long, but you still did a great job. Now I've downloaded both of them!
The map looks pretty good, but at 0:21 in the video, that area looks a bit sloppy. If you fix it up and make it look better, I think you could get...
I personally would change the upside down cross, just so that your not offending people. I'm not religeous myself, but it's not that hard to just...
Wow. Nice map, the aesthetics are amazing. But where do the zombies spawn, because if they spawn outside on the field people are going to start...
thanks for the advice. I'm on forge right now changing it a little so i'll tell you when to re-download the map. Also, REMkings, I can't add you...
thanks a lot, I got the video working. Also, sure you could add me, my gamertag is beybok. Also, I personnally didn't think the place at 1:30 was...
Hey everyone, this map took me a long time to make and it's very hard to forge on breakpoint. After a long time, I managed to get a good looking,...
thanks for the advice, also please download and try it out soon and tell me what to improve because I'm gonna start making the V2 soon. I'll...
what do you mean what are they for, they make the map look more destroyed. also, I will try to get better aesthetics, and change the map and...