read these guys comics,there so funny
tempoary,if you give a minute Ill get you a list of types of infractions,and severity.
uh....5or6 I beleive.
apoligie accepted,Im just concerned that since you spam and necro so much,youll get banned. and dont think the FR will soften me up.
may I ask you as a fellow member to stop necroposting. I see that you have been told several times. I you dont stop I will take this to the...
k,nice talking for the first time in a while.
ok. i just noticed you had a new profile pic,I thought you had long hair.
is that why you've became a mod again?
oh,Ive been on summer vacation for 6weeks.
so....what you been up in 3 months?
I might come for a bit. GT:halo kid 024
Say,will you add me on XBL? GT:halo kid 024
Why would you say they are rubbish,some people take pride in there work. And for there record,I think the maps that bungie picked are fine.
Wow,I had the origanal on my HD for a long time,and I think I found whats gonna replace it. You have really took real carnival games,and turned...
I like that much better,thank you.
Im not complaining,the avy is great,but I just wanted a head,not the pink fur.
randle,can you give my avatar a slowpoke face,I want rest of it the same. like what's a scopes avatar,but in reverse.