After being attacked on Reach,master chief was cryogenicly preserved as the ship pillar of autumn as the cheif,along with seargent johnson,captain...
eh,well what ever.
I dont think youve ever been on my FR,but we may have played before.
my GT is halo kid 024,was that his GT? is your not sure,whats your gamertag.
*ques accent let her go anikin Let. Her. Go.
so long yo crazy little slowpoke.
i meant half nude in the sense her nipples and vag arnt showing.
whats up with the half nude signutare?
this is very well known news,but congrats on finding out yourself.
okey dokey. you will get a your read,know get to bed,this may take a while to type up.
'tis true. well,hopefully you can see in due time. if you like,I could send you a PM of the idea,and word out the design.
its k,as long as you had a reason. As for the weekend I dont know,tomorrow I'll either be with zanitor doing halocrossings (zanitor's site)...
congratz,I love the game and am glad. your 1/2 to premium.
:( I thought you were going to check out m maps before you got offline.
oh,that may be,because along time ago I was trying to get the most freinds,now I keep a small freinds list of people I accually talk to,so if you...
I dont knbow why you sent me a FR,but congratz on feature. this and smear the pinkie are to of my favorite minigames.
I say a way to unlock the ability to use more custom classes,like getting one for every 5 achievments unlocked,like soulcaliber 4. and more...
why dot you people look at the smaller numbers,like someone with a .77 k/d spread?
aloha,and welcome to forgehub. If your into MLG,we have a large assortment of of MLG maps, found here. Make sure you read the rules,and have a...