WATERFRONT V2 OK this is my version of the map waterfront Wolfmk47 has his version but we both built most of it together i tor down most of what...
i redid almost the whole thing now and made it for all gametypes now i will post it soon. wolf and i are seeing whos version you guys think is...
check out vaultry under competitive maps
there is a ceiling to stop people from getting out that way because it was a problem at first
thanks for the reply and yes with the narrow passages in ost games i have played on this map the action does not take place in these passages but...
watch the video its on youtube and shows the whole map (it was made before equipment placed so it dos not talk about the equipment) ok i got a...
map look amazing i just downloaded it i was wondering if you wanted to help me with a project on avalanch that will be completely in the air...
VAULTRY 01 [IMG] these are the bottom halls on the map [IMG] the brute shot spawn [IMG] this is the attackers base [IMG] this is a downward view...
nice map man i give it out of 10 about a 9 9 million