Thank you for the advice and yes im working on the v2 already. i already took out the subway tracks and made the humans spawn on the rooftops i...
i will conside that in the v2 but the bridge (if your thinking of the one on the roofs) is kind not supposed to be interlock or anything because...
NO MERCY: BY JAKOB HUNTER As the name implies this map is based off of the multiplayer masterpiece Left 4 Deads campaign No Mercy. The map is...
i only play as an elite in swat (when i feel like making someone really mad :) and when playing infection if you play as elite you look more like...
ok yes the traits limit would have to be less than 5 seconds and you would also have to make the person a bit slower because he can still...
yes i do agree 3 seconds would work better and i said invis would not be to good unless you are making a left 4 dead type gametype where it makes...
Yeah first post :) EDIT:(nevermind he^ got here first) This map looks really good i love the idea of foxholes it is really original. The ground...
im not sure if they have 4 of them well i may be mistaken but i think invincibility also works against assassanations
i think that it works good only in some games which i forgot to mention. SWAT for example i hate spawning and getting shot in the head as soon as...
Now i dont know how many of you already know about this method when you are making your gametype for your map. But one day i ventured into the...
ok if you ever want to play it with me just pm me or send me a message and thanks for looking at it
thanks for looking at my map
Ok i dont know if you already know how to do this but ill post it any way. On Avalanch and blackout you can get inside a double box that is...
You guys should check out my new map Battleanch
the map looks awesome i will download as soon as there is alink and comment on it later but from the pics it looks really nice and awesome i eed...
this map is epicness i love the whole thing how it is randomized i have been trying to come up with a way to do that for a long time to make a...
oh ok thanks for the tip and help ill do that sometime
thank you for teling me before i got an infraction you saved my butt and im glad i could help you.
yes i was trying to do that but i didnt have enough supplies on me so i decided that it is supposed to be more armored frmom the top to give cover...
well i geomerged them to make it look like they re partway in the snow