this is pretty close to the place in 300 where they talk to the ugly people and the oracle which is pretty cool it wold be aninteresting place to...
not it is not supposed to be the finale it is supposed to be a miniture of the whole map with a few changes on the paths and such but overall the...
there are wraiths already on the map but they are kinda out of sight and suck at hitting anything except a stationary banshee or hornet
thanks for the honest opinion his is really good i really agree with you but his is a differant style than mine and did you even play mine the aa...
i made a map just like this a month ago and it is posted in the minigame maps. But i think you did a much better job than me on making it more...
well actually i made it mainly for competative big team battles which it actually works really well with but i wanted to add lots of good...
well actually the scorpions are hooked in one place and are not that much of a deal and there are hidden wraiths on the map but thatnks for the...
I will make a version of the Grand Finale on top of the hospital but it will have to be on Sandbox so once i get Mythic i will get to work on...
the one on top of the crashed frigate?
so tomorrow night at 8:00 pacific i was wondering if anyone wanted to have a large team battle on my favorite map to battle on i need 16 people to...
[IMG] This is a pic i make in paint seeing as my photoshop dont work but it is ok im making a bunch of Halo related cartoons like this what do...
Hey thanks for your posts and i am going to have to download this Smear the Pinky game you are telling me about and yes if any of you are open...
Every single time i want to get a game going on Manifest every one in the party just gets angry yells at me or leaves. One of my friends (who i...
oh yes now that i have played on it i see how it is and it does remind me of the final jump in halo 3 i just looked at it wrong and i thought the...
it isnt supposed to be an asthetic map i just added the ships and floating structures take to many objects and dont cover enough area and yes i am...
This map look really well forged and planned out you have my DL the map looks reallly fun and the game does to i cant wait to play this with my...
[IMG] So this is a map i started a while ago and decided to fix up last night. I improved the map alot to enhance the gameplay. It is a really...
you need embedded pics and a description of the map
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