I predict they will show off vehicles and the big team map.
You probably shouldn't have worn it on your head.
What kind of guy tries to fight a guy who gets a supermodel for a wife?
Possible Alien/Prometheus spoilers [spoiler]
I can take him.
How's the rest of Maryland?
My brother lives in Arizona.
uhh hey Grif, I'm passing through Texas and I think it would be cool to meet up. Maybe I could hang out with you and your extended family?...
I just got Battlefield Premium and I'm pretty happy with it. The new maps are ok, Scrapmetal is my favorite. Gun master is also tons of fun, I...
That's.... your cousin?
So you do care!
I don't know what the pinnacle of gaming is, that's for the experts to decide. What I do know is that it isn't Mario, or else the past 20 years...
I'm not saying that Mario shouldn't be first according to G4's criteria, I'm just saying I don't like G4's criteria. There are hundreds of "Top X...
I hate lists like this. They mean nothing and they just do it for the ratings. And for once I would like for games to be rated as if they were...
Hey now, let's not over react here.
I've never seen a more heinous example of utter disregard for the law.
He helped me win many a game in backyard baseball.
Has there been any word on whether vehicle health is tied to the player or not?
Damn you, Curt Shilling, damn you.
Ozymandias is on the same level as batman in terms of superhuman prowess I think.