Shanon, you're in the wrong place. This is not facebook.
Would you guys rather have vehicle health tied to player health like it used to be or be like it was in Reach?
Don't talk about Sarge that way!
What's the path to the light side?
How dare you not embed that video
okay, and mexican. But my point is, if you say caucasian you can also mean indian and middle eastern, not just white.
Caucasian isn't specific enough. Anyone who isn't black or asian is considered caucasian.
He said he was over Avatar. He would rather the naked ira glasses be white.
Deal with it.
I had to use adblock because it was annoying me.
They're still credited. I don't know how you define "proper", but they are acting, aren't they? And in Cortana's case, they're supplying their face.
woop, got a 34 on the ACT
He probably stopped because of the M26 Dart.
The maps? I can take 'em or leave 'em. The guns are nice but they aren't OP, the ones that I've used, anyway. The best thing about the DLC is...
Call Me Maybe... PSYCH! Thats the wrong number! - YouTube
The human weapons might all be the same color but everything else is vastly different.
I'm really well rested.
Natalie Portman is attractive.
With my anus