the 90s were a different time
I just can't see Disney releasing a movie like that.
I don't think Tarantino is capable of writing a movie that isn't rated R.
What if Uwe Boll directs it?
Do you ever play TF2 on the PC?
If Ryan Reynolds plays Deadpool in a stand-alone deadpool movie I'm never going to watch it.
inb4 everyone says Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Any celebrity that owns their own island would survive.
Why do people like Blood Gulch? Coagulation is a million times better! My vote for a remake would be Valhalla, though.
It's not about that. It's just... the mutations were so dumb. They make absolutely no sense at all. I can suspend my disbelief for spiderman or...
Meh, it was interesting. I don't regret watching it, but I would never watch it again. My main complaints are more about X-men lore rather than...
Any movie that isn't oscar bait gets mixed reviews. IMO, if it averages in the 60s and up on metacritic it's worth seeing.
What I'm trying to say is that Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield look similar.
[img] Whether or not you think Tobey Maguire is a good actor or not is up to you, but Andrew Garfield looks more like Peter Parker? I don't...
The big difference between the movies is that the first three relied heavily on CGI whereas the new one has people doing the actual stunts....
third rule of the PPC: Have fun
This is a very important issue that needs to be discussed.
you're wrong
no it isn't
Mandelbrot Set - YouTube I think Chucks avatar sig was the whole reason this sig business started.
I always knew mods were corrupt, but I have never in all my life had reasons to doubt the admin(s)... until now.