Gamasutra: Ian Fisch's Blog - OUYA, the Android console - naivete at work? I don't know how I feel. If I had an extra $100 lying around I would...
Could Microsoft Buy Activision-Blizzard? - Forbes So, this HUGE sale could be going down pretty soon. I don't know what this means for gaming in...
which is weird
the battlefield community loves it too, or else 64 player metro servers wouldn't exist.
I would be angry over that casting decision if I cared at all about Assassin's Creed and if I didn't think Michael Fassbender was a great actor.
It can't be any worse than headhunter.
Yes. There was a whole thread where we went over this. Noble 6 had a re-entry pack that he got from the sabre. Master Chief surfed on a forerunner...
Halo 4 Offers Intelligent Spawn System, Randomized Ordinances, No Fall Damage No fall damage. **** yeah
IMO batman begins was nowhere near as good as Dark Knight, hopefully that will be the case for spiderman.
You do?
The Amazing Spiderman The spectacular spiderman The amazingly spectacular spiderman I didn't know Saiyans existed in the marvel universe.
Sarge must read right to left.
RV was Robin William's best performance.
It wasn't meant to work.
Insane was almost 343s community manager or something. Just think about how amazing that would have been.
╔═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╗ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ like this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong black woman ~ ~ ~ ~...
I would only want Sandtrap if they brought Elephants back. If they do have elephants in the game, I will be incredibly disappointed if they don't...
None of these fan chosen writer/director match ups make any sense, it's just fun to think about. Like if Tarantino had done the green lantern....
I thought the rotating hallway fight scene in Inception was generally regarded as well done. And weren't you guys saying earlier that spiderman...
I do like the idea of Harmon writing and Nolan directing and Glover starring. I really don't think Tarantino fits into that equation, though.