The color seems to only be there to meet the requirements. It doesn't really fit. Also it has a kinda grungy feel which doesn't work well with...
For a good gradient map Violet to Orange (default) is always a good choice and then just lower opacity until it looks good. Also yeah maybe...
Most GOW sigs are grungy and dark and this is very different from that. I think it works though cuz it's not a violent render and Marcus looks...
The flames should be on the DF logo and you should make the flames more like the ones in Sun's Sprite Tut. Looks decent but yes it is very simple...
Okay so here are two versions just tell me which one would have better chances of winning. Thanks! =) [IMG] [IMG] Edit: Here is a V.3....
I used to be :/.... It wasn't fun but w/e. Still not a fail and it's original so w/e.
True dat... Anyway V2.5 is major improvement and is looking really good. Great job! Also I don't get ur last post at all (Telrad) and so plz...
It's not a total fail... At least you didn't have the splatters getting cut off by the edge of the canvas....
Yeah... Da color one is da ****! I really like the eyes, they make it work. I would make it a more glowy red though because that would be awesome....
It looks quite shmexy if you ask me. The eyes are accentuated good and the bubbly background works well. Upper left seems lacking though.
Many times peaceful protests can turn into riots due to the use of Mob Psychology, which means the if a couple people start saying or doing...
It's not neccesarily that I support McCain... It's more that I don't support Obama. I used to like Obama until I did more research and learned...
Could u put in "Lord" and "XII" and could you make it so the letters can be seen better. Maybe an outer glow around the entire thing would be good.
OMG Lone! Dat iz da Shiz!!!!!!! Would you mind if I used it as my sig?
McCain ftw!!! Barrack is a one term senator who, up until '06 no one in America had heard of. McCain actually has some credentials and should be...
I need a sig idea that I could incorporate this into. Also CnC is appreciated. [IMG]
Yeah... I was gonna have it go all the way up but then I'm like... no. It was takin too long and is just tetris so I ditched it :/ oh well...
I iz really diggin this sig... Great job on it! Also the color one is better. I like the lines and symmetry of it.
The flow is all over on it and it's kinda too bright for me... Overall looks decent though. =)
I made this in about half an hour and it's 84 frames :P... Anyway CnC please. [IMG] V.2. [IMG]