I'm not stealing I'm merely testing to see if I can do it... Also please give another example of a "stolen" style... Thanks for the feedback! =)
Okay so I decided to try a Hells *Style* sig and I like it so w/e... Anyway here it is. [IMG] V.2 [IMG]
You have to set it to interlaced. Also it says that ur avatar is a .jpeg when I hit save picture as... =)
U said the exact same thing as me!!!! Plz remove or delete ur post cuz it's spam. Also so this isn't spam Something you could do to make ur sig...
OMFG!!!!!!! THis is da ****! This is a really, really good find Juggernaut. This is crazy beautiful! Kudos to whoever made it! =)
I don't really like the total randomness and the blue and red clash. Also the text on the small one isn't very readable. Good job though! =)
Well... What are you waiting for!?!?!?!?! Also it looks really good though I think you should have left the big thing in the BG. =) Edit: Also...
I don't like the pencil lines but everything else is great! =)
I would but I can't... :( I gotsta go to bed. Also do u want that DNA image in the pic or just renders and stuff... Please clarify. =)
I beg to differ but w/e... Decent sig anyway so good job! =) Now I gotta do my homework... It's 9:47pm and I haven't started 0_0
Ur border iz killin it but I'z luvin da white thing on the left. Right is a bit bland though... =)
I don't like it... It's too pink and cuddly for FH... Sorry. Also it's kinda cluttered and seems just thrown there. =)
I must agree the text is quite snazzy... =) looks much better!
Looks great. Luvin da C4d use. A bit bland on the left though. =)
Or just create a light source... Also pretty good for ur first. =)
Insane is in da membrane!!!! Anyway welcome to FH and I suggest checking out the Graphic and Art section and get a sig cuz sigs are cool!
Kinda unfinished but I'm gunna add more to it but w/e... CnC. [IMG] Also right now it's 33 frames... My link one in my sig is 84 :/
Well then just sharpen the render a couple times. Also I'm pretty sure you can just erase the lense flare.... =)
Yeah... The farcry one isn't very good but the other two are good... Text doesn't fit though. =)
A clipping mask on the text would be cool... Also the C4d looks like hair and iz kinda buggin me. =)