New sig... Still tryin out mai new style. I think it's amazing but w/e... CnC please! =) V.1. [IMG] V.2. [IMG] V.1. w/ the text I...
Gold Text... Also it look really good for what you did but the lensflare seems out of place and should be moved up to the light source. Also I...
I vote for Mega Thumbs... Also Sdrakulich has two entrys :/ Edit: Forgot to put da reason! =p. Anyway Megathumbs says his is from scratch and...
Bricks not a retarded guy... He's just mentally challanged. And yes that would be hilarious just having brick running around w/ a grenade...
To meh on the right. Also you can't really see Altair very well. If u didn't say it was assassins creed I probably wouldn't have known. =)
I haven't seen it before... Kinda not that epicly funny though. You should have baxter being punted or something. =)
Thanks man... And how are u just starting ur homework!?!?!?! It's like 10:16 here! And ur an hour or so ahead of me! Anyway thanks again and have...
wow... Thats a lot. Also can u PM me ur smudge settings? And yeah looking at it again he is over contrasted but I wanted him to pop more but it is...
Yeah... But it came like that and I can't change it without making the rest look under contrasted :/... Also I was goin for simplicity since most...
Thanks... Also we luv ur style so much cuz it's amazing... Even though this isn't really ur style. It's just got a singer and so it's more you...
His neck is almost bigger than his head in real life... Also yeah I kinda see the boring colors but it look cool to me. Also there is a lot more...
Okay so this was a stock sig and I kinda like how it turned out so here it is... CnC. [IMG]
My current sig is my first stock! Yay!!! Anyway I iz luvin dis tut but my other attempts suck but w/e... Great job! =) Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Yeah... I added some more versions so w/e... Also if u guys think it's too bland suggestions on how to fix it are welcome. =)
Haz to go... Anyway the cracks are on the Joker too and make it look like it's just flat. The cracks should only be behind the joker so it looks...
K but u should put it in Code format... It is more professional then spoilers. Also for some of my work just go to: Lord_Terrax_XII - Page 1 -...
The hue of the second one is a big turn off for me. Also the reflection on the goggles is too color burned. The first one looks great though!...
I can make sigs... I'm also decent at animation. =)
Wow... I luv this tut!!!! Anyway great job and keep the tuts comin! =)
Okay so I tried another person sig and I like it so here it is... CnC. [IMG] And I know there isn't a border... I tried it and it looked bad...