This is what you need to manip! =)
Diz urs is really good too but it's not a manip of Rob's so it won't count. =(
Okay so this was originally for the duel thread but RoB posted a manip 2 minutes before me so mine didn't count but w/e... I'm posting it here...
Damn... Oh well. I'll just post it in it's own thread as a manip... =)
Could it count as subtracting cuz u said in ur PM u could do that. Also if RoB deleted his would mine be used? =) Also I'm glad u like it.
Here: [IMG]
Okay so I don't like teh colors... They are epic phail. Also Billy doesn't pop and seems to be part of the BG so contrast it more and desaturate...
I only used the city for the Adam Gontier one and the second Billy Joe one... Also yeah they are messy but they're more grungy than I usually...
I added 3 new versions... V.2. I just contrasted and added lighting. V.3. I added some solid fills on Overlay and just lowered the Opacity. On the...
Okay... Smeagle. I like it better than the original but I think u should have left the BG alone... It looks sharper now and I don't like it....
I developed my style a bit more and so here is the newest Adam Gontier sig (I made on like yesterday or the day before) and I luv it so w/e......
I like number one better... The hand on 2 is just too wierd cuz the actual hand looks freaky... Great job guys! =)
The head of the sprite is hard to see... Also I like the squigglies in V.2. Both are good though. =)
I can't see the rider very well... Other than that it looks great! The BG flows nicely and it has great depth. Also you can still see the trees...
You all saw mai first sig but here's my new newest. =) Also it took like half an hour... [IMG]
Yeah quite a bit of blurs... Anyway I don't really like it at all. The eyes are too shadowed and the smoke isn't realistic due to the Gradient...
Yeah... Mine is my VERY first... It wouldn't have mattered though cuz I sucked that bad until about my 20th... =)
It's WAY too big... Also it looks like a screen shot and they usually don't make for the best sigs... Anyway it's not terrible for your first and...
Diz u actually started really good so kudos! Anyway here's mine: Edit: I use PS and I started about one month ago. From: [IMG] to [IMG]...