YouTube - Will I Ever Get Married?‏
Steve walks wearily down the street with his brim-pulled-way-down-low. Seeing as Call of Duty invented the plot device of something exploding....
Do you think it's worth playing considering that Skyrim is coming out so soon(ish)?
Haven't seen their stand-up, will now forever assume it is terrible. q-katie Nope.
If you still want me to get online, I can.
So Bungie day, who's still awake?
Because it's Erasure, and you trust me not to do anything to your body you're not comfortable with? YouTube - Robot Unicorn Attack Song (HD) -...
What's that? You want to listen to A Little Respect? YouTube - Erasure - Little respect‏
It's not like there's a shortage of people bro. If...
<Looks at camera> Cyclops?
From The Basement : Envelopes : Performance
It had sequins.
Physically Remove Message: tick Reason for Deletion: "Because stouf's avatar is the logo for Skyrim, and I don't want the mental association...
"Posted April 14th, 2009 - stouf761 - ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I like her songs and the way she looks in them. Kids show, kids...
Brink is pretty bad though right?
Once upon a time I was falling in love Now I'm only falling apart Totally ****ed from the start
When I don't care, I don't post. Think about it.
Notice how Sarge didn't want to play that second time? I'd be worried Shanon.