Is PF Changs any good?
In Time - Officiele filmclip‏ - YouTube I was looking forward to this film before I saw the trailer.
He's not 6'6", I'm ACTUALLY 6'4" a better writer AND a better dancer.
The entries for prom end in 4 hours, want to dance with me?
That's as much as I'd do myself I suppose.
He's your friend, it's your responsibility to make sure he doesn't act like an idiot.
You live near Stouf right Grif?
Maybe Camo could work that into his pick-up lines somehow.
I know right? The scale is way off.
...just in case. Queen - 'Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy'‏ - YouTube
Just to be clear, you're talking about the Tim Schafer game right?
This is a surprisingly good idea for someone who is the way you are hpm. Psychonauts Golden Sun Megaman Battle Network Star Wars Episode I:...
So there's this competition I want to win, but I have to write an article around 200 words on something related to gaming. Any ideas?
The bible contradicts itself all the time. Killing is both admonished and encouraged, and while it's pointless to argue the semantics of whether...
Anders is as much a far-right fundmentalist conservative Christian as those who blow up abortion clinics because in their mind, they're "saving...
I should relearn Saria's Song on the harmonica.
God hates fags, god hates cripples, god hates Islams, abortion clinic bombings, funeral pickets, the banning of public dancing: no matter how hard...
The guy is an anti-Islamic Christian fundamentalist terrorist, and here people are, insisting he wouldn't have carried out the mass shooting if he...
Skyrim, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, MW3, Gears of War 3, Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. Minecraft for 360 might be pretty fun, but the look...