*cough* Vid not working...
Hey, Aaronator told me you knew how to ghostmerge teleporters... Teach me your mighty ways, master.
Alright so I've had this map idea since mid summer and I never got around to building it or making the gametype. So, Forge Hubbers, I am leaving...
Just thought I'd let you know that someone has stolen two of your maps, maybe more, but I only know of two. YouTube- Halo 3 Forges (Ep. 45) Nectar...
Hi, Umm... I don't remember you tbh...
kk, Ill get it up soon.
I did the roofs for the cube-like buildings, and the walls for the other ones... I still have to do the roofs for them, though.
I'm thankful for the fact that I was thankful a month ago because Canada's cool like that.
Hahahahaha, Nice Screenie. I don't care about whatever you guys are blabbering on about... I'm a Christian and I still think this is hilarious....
Hawt Sig and Avvy... I love muse.
[img] Do it nao.
[img] Meh, I was bored so I made this little thing. I'm not very talented at photoshopping or finding stocks/renders, so there isn't much variety...
Win. flr
Halo: Combat Evolved The whole level where you first meet the flood. I shat and came at the same time. Goldeneye 007 (N64) Shooting tank rounds...
I think the main problem with this restriction is that 5 times out of 10 youll go into a match and all the people on your team don't have mics...
I remember this map! I broke this one for you! It was a pretty fun map and I look forward to seeing its unbreakable future.
If there's anything really important I missed, relay the notes to my profile... I'm bound to get them eventually...