Basically if anyone were to actually do this they'd be making this decision: "Hmm... Either the perfect way to ruin my social life, or a decent...
lol flr
Yeah, i figured I'd ask you first before doing it. Hell, i still have that permafraction from when my 12 year old /b/er of a cousin got on my...
Monitor Built.
I know there's a policy against advertising other sites, but are we allowed to put links/sigs with other sites names on them in our signature?
Already a big fan of Rise Against and Three Days Grace, thus I have those albums, but I'll look into the other ones also.
lol. Anyways, welcome to the community. Hope you like it and hope you find some interesting screenshot tutorials and while you're doing that,...
Nano Chromatic
Well, my friend who doesn't want them gave me $60 in iTunes giftcards, I need some new music. Any recommendations? I mainly like Alternative, but...
It wasn't too bad before christmas, so I didn't bother.
I was going to be there for the 2009 one, but I never made it. This time I'll be there.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I guess you haven't heard yet... Mah eckzbawkz is ****ed up. It won't read any cds, dvds, games, or anything else. I cant even...
1. Do homework. 2. Get more friends. I've got tons already, but you can never have enough friends :D 3. Get a better paying job.
Gratz on purplez. I gotta say, i saw that coming.
Well... My xbox decided to be a ***** and not read discs, so... I won't be playing with you for a while.
ooh. I'd say yes, but today I'm kinda packed... I'd be up for some tomorrow if you want.
Welcome to FH, man. If you want to improve your forging or learn new techniques, check out the Forging 101 section. Hope you have fun and enjoy...
I loved those games. Anyway, I never really thought about this 'til now, but I guess that's right.
I probably wouldn't pay for a tournament unless it was hosted by a well known company/organization/site and then I'd check out what others are in...