Welcome to Forge Hub! Read these Forum Rules, and check out the bbcode thread! Also, if you're interested, check out Forging 101 to learn some new...
k i'll be a few cause I have to dl it again, though. rally the troops!
I don't have it on this comp D:
I thought that was moved to tomorrow?
Wow. I don't even think I got three posts in my intro thread... Anyways. Welcome to Forge Hub! Read These Rules and check out the Forging 101...
Well, we have fun here and we like to welcome new people into the community and the amazingness that comes along with being a part of it.
As Insane said, check out the Testers Guild. I'm an on leave member over there and when I come back It'll probably be just as much fun as it was...
My skype is thestickman72
Here are the lols I've collected so far... Most of them are me quoting people with mics...
If you can read this, get the **** on skype.
I would go back, but the only reasons I'd do that is for the Dragunov and party chat, and if I really want to be in a party while I play MW2 I'll...
Welcome to the site, man. Hope you like it here and hope you learn a few things while you're looking around the forums. Enjoy your stay and I hope...
Haha, wow. Thanks guys. I've looked into some of the bands/albums suggested so far and I've got a few I've already bought albums from and ones I'm...
Welcome to Forge Hub. You've probably already read the rules seeing as you made your account a few weeks ago, but just in case you haven't, you...
I've never heard of Gammon before, so they're probably not the best quality. It seems like a pretty good deal though. I'd recommend getting a...
That's what she said. And not a bad review.
Welcome to Forge Hub, read the rules and follow them carefully. If you have questions, I'm sure either I or a mod/admin could help you out. Have...
Welcome back. I'll spare you the "Read the rules" thing. Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay and find helpful stuff in the GnA section!
Belated Welcome is Belated. Anyway, yeah. I've seen you around and stuff... so... I guess this is more of a "Hi" than a "Welcome to Forge...
As euantor said, If you want multiplayer, the obvious choice is L4D2. If you want an interesting storyline and you liked the first AC, then Try...