Because not even I have a picture of myself as my wallpaper. It seems kinda self obsessive to me. Also it's not even that good of a picture. Well...
Uhh, this is pretty pointless don't you think? Even if everyone came back telling you it is completely illegal, would that have stopped you?...
I think I'm about to have a seizure
Generally, yes? I only call it how I see it. If people take offence to that or can't handle that then that is their problem. If anyone has...
Why do you have to have said something bad about me for me to have stated such an observation. I just find it funny that you actually like that...
You can hardly call that art...
The Xbox 360 ‘Red Ring of Death’ Apology Manual [IMG] Massouken on August 5th, 2008 [IMG] Ah, the ill-fated Xbox 360 Red Ring of...
Uhh, why are you obsessed with a picture of you that makes you look like you're drooling, need a wheelchair and have down syndrome...?
Lol, I had to make sure I included that for the irony xD
Police: Man Calls 911 Over Incorrect Sandwich [img] JACKSONVILLE, FL -- An unhappy Subway customer called 911 not once, but twice to...
Xbox Developer Dead in Murder-Suicide[IMG] Very sad news from Redmond, Wash. Melissa Batten, 36, a software development engineer in Microsoft's...
I've never had a problem with that... Lol I guess people are too afraid to mess with the Gay Mafia, so they just use the N word...
Clearly you don't know what you're talking about. You're referring to the planes, no Iraqi attacked America in those planes. The only terrorist...
Oh here we go, he's a meat head. No wonder... There's is no evil to be found in Iraq you blind following sheep... My god. The only evil that is...
I'm 19 you ****ing retard =D
Well "Firstly" Jackass, don't turn this into a ****ing America is better then Australia conversation because you will lose that one so fast it's...
Limewire, as you so cleverly referred to is like... Down, they got sued. So they made a new program, Frostwire =]
Err what? Who cares xD
Ball that bounces on water is summer craze A ball that bounces on water has become the must-have beach toy of the summer. Last Updated: 3:06PM BST...