What? I did no such thing.
YouTube - Halo Reach Firefight 2.0 Gameplay Footage watch all of it. i think this is the first real raw continuous gameplay footage i've seen yet.
My bad, it has a 20 second cool down. I said instantly because that's what it looked like in the trailer, but an interview from Bungie said otherwise.
no, drop shield will collapse when under too much fire. kind of like deployable cover i guess.
I saw it yesterday, the reason I'm not talking about it is because it's only one source for such an incredible announcement. Could be a...
Forge has been confirmed, numerous times. Bungie also confirmed some improvements, what kind however is still unknown.
Don't get your hopes up yet... I'd like to hear this from a couple other official sources before I get hyped up.
It's a DMR. You can't really see it on that trailer, but that's also a clip from the firefight trailer and the person is firing a DMR. [IMG]
It's not that big of a deal really, it's just to keep the game fun. ...Object Limit Number. Every object you can place is in that category....
oh yeah bud? 3:00, then 4:33 in the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZJbQ9V6vmo
I like it bartoge, really looks a lot like roots underground. I think you should add some more root structures for the attackers base, but make...
its a new armor ability called Drop Shield. It's a bubble shiled but at the same time a regenerator. The only drawback is that it will collapse...
I've been on my desk studying for exams next to my computer for the past couple of days.. this is what I do sometimes when I get tired of studying...
How often they shoot.
E3 2010: Halo Reach Stage Video Demo Video from GameVideos Around 3 minutes ish. It's essentially a brute shot I think but slower so I guess it...
No, someone last night or from whatever official source definitely said there would be AI behavior customization to a certain degree. I'll try to...
what... the.. [IMG] new screenshots on IGN new videos on IGN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqqmIekEty4
New weapon is called the designator.
E3 2010: Firefight in Halo: Reach – Bigger & Better - Xbox 360 Preview at IGN