Alright then, you seem like you know for sure. Which one? Bungie said in the 04/19/10 podcast you couldn't hold objectives while using armor...
Where was this? Rooster Teeth isn't a gaming company. I know that 343 is taking over but when did Rooster Teeth get in? And if they have been in...
It is Bungie Day; Bungie's most prized day of the year. I'm pretty sure they would have gone out of their way just to give the flag a simple...
The game's at ZBR already though. Bungie could've just given Rooster Teeth a version with a different flag skin too though. When Sarge is ontop...
That looks really cool right now, good luck with your map :) ...there's no sniper on the map. The marines are meant to be underpowered because...
Source me okay, it could be an option but it definetly looked fake. Sarge wasn't moving his legs for one nor was he actually holding the flag....
When? You can't honestly say that what you saw in the video look real? clearing some stuff up
Bungie confirmed you can't a while ago... besides just look at Sarge flying the flag. It looks so fake. I think they did that as a joke, but...
Gamestop just revealed a new preorder bonus. [IMG]
Pause at 4:56 in the video... there's a tank firing waaay in the distance O.o
I would say they are a good source for awesome maps but not the best source. Tons of maps get passed and looked over over the years and then...
I'm gonna be honest, I did not think they would remake Blood Gulch. Looks like Bungie really listened to their fans which makes me excited for the...
Try this? YouTube - Xbox 360 - Dazzle Video Creator Plus HD Capture Card - Setup (no splitters) Also what format are you recording in? What do...
If forge gets hyped up and is as good as it's said to be, then I'll check that out first. Then solo campaign on Legendary :)
I still have the first version of this with the OLN objects :) Chess is my favorite board game of all time and you two have definitely executed it...
I've got no time right now, Multi. I also posted it on XF but I just want to see if there's anyone that seems reliable on FH I could trust doing...
[IMG] There is a gametype list (it is hard to see, I agree). I do agree with you though when you say that slayer is one of the gametypes that...
Hey, so this is a small 2v2 map located on Foundry that I started a while ago. Right now I just call it Repository, but that's more of a...
This looks cool, you should've told me you were making something for a gametype I made though before making a map for it :P Anyways, that spirit...
Playing with Emile's skull head would suck. It would look like this [IMG]