Thanks that helps. I just realised something...say you were most killed by the warthog, wat would it say? Most killed by: Man-less warthog haha...
The map idea seems cool with the vehicle train but i would love to see some medium/ long shot pics because it all seems a bit crowded from the...
I don't hate the katana lol... I think people just hate it because they cant get 1000/1000 gamerpoints haha
Thanks for your opinion anyway
I really like the light thing as ive never seen it before. The actual track looks really well built and you must have tsken a bit of time to make...
The electric chair looks great. If you walk in it would it kill you??
For your first map this is very good. The concept of it is good but to make it smoother, interlocking would help a lot. Good luck with improving...
It does look more competative that blackout. The stairs and bridges make it harder to camp and you haven't overdone it with floating bases (most...
Two of your pics don't work. I know many people have commented on this before but here: is a...
Good for a first post, its nicely presented and it reflects on the map to. The portal fing is great! 4/5
Your pics aren't working. Don't worry i had the same problem. It looks like you copied and pasted from bungie but here's:...
I commented about this on bungie too and its just great, you put a lot of time and effort into the map - downloaded, 5/5
I know you're coming back to finish the thread but you really shouldn't post until its complete - just a tip
I fixed my screenshots in case you wanted to know
Its a small smooth close-combat weapon map! WOO! This is really nice and sure it will work well with swords :D
Its actually nice to see a forged map on Ghost Town, i haven't seen one in a while but there aren't really enough pictures to see where things are...
You could try removing that with the infinate money glitch but that may take a while to create it exactly the same again
Downloading now :) This is a nice idea for a map, i haven't seen a prison map before and the way you've created it, it looks quite good. I agree...
I like the map. The shield door electrode thing give a great feel to the map and the two levels give a good atmosphere. The interlocking is really...
The anti-screen watching is a ver good idea :D The interlocking has worked well here.