For a first post i have to say this is very very very good! It must have taken ages to get the tunnels and what not in the right places and i...
Lol brute captain said the same thing as you - still great map and i forgot to say i rate it 4/5 EDIT: should have edited my above post sorry
This looks like a really well made map that took you some time and looks fun to play. The map as a whole looks great but as you've classed it as...
I love the map idea, looks really fun to play in and although theere isn't any intelrocking, its really clean. I think you should make a V2...
The map looks awsome. Beautiful, just like all your other 'Project' maps
I'd probably move the fence walls up a bit but im not an expert forger so don't take my word for it
Im the same as you ivory, i am either sitting down watching the tv or thinking about what to make in bed...probably because i's a relaxing time...
Ive got to say for a first map this is pretty good. There is plenty of space and not to messy. Clean post, clean interlocking...its great! 1ST POST!
I could have sworn ive seen this map before but i don't know if you made it. If you did it was a bad name choice, I changed the name (in my saved...
Its a good map for a 1st map post (I think) and with a lot of the other maps like this, it has potential. It would be great to see some...
Yes its a joke but to be honest the post probably took more time to make. Its a waste of time to even do it
I knew how to interlock but the run-time minimum that you mentioned will surely save me time waiting for the object to respawn thanks
This map is awsome! It's beautifully interlocked and i salute you for not putting instant death in the trash compacter, it's much more fun to...
you really need to clean up ur act. forgehub isn't a sloppy site, its clean and tidy. Please make your posts the same or you will risk getting banned
I wouldn't say it's a little map as it looks quite good and has potential. I would think about interlocking it to make it smoother though. Great...
lol that is jokes
You're right JAYclash, bungie really don't how any good ones And blackfox, you're lawn quote is awesome
The first one is brilliant - i want to steal it ¬¬ Haha silly standoff
Hey guys, if you rate this map please could you put a comment too as i would like to see why you like which picture, to either make more like this...
Hope to see the map you've made when pics are up Sorry i didnt see you were doing the pictures in a min but you should try and finish the...