Don't flame this guy for double posting this map - he has just moved it to Casual Maps
Why would be blame you for a map like this. It's actually pretty good. Are the bases the only part of the sewers? But i do agree with RivalMass as...
Military Base looks like quite a well-built map and i prefer it to labyrinth as that's on the small side. I think that the gravity may be an issue...
It's nice to see use of the deafult bases for once and foremost, that you use them well with the map layout. I love the blue base bridges (and...
The map looks really well interlocked and that you have taken a long enough time to perfect it. The man cannon/gravi lifft tunnel is excellent and...
Don't worry about changing the name as if the map is completely different then no-one will think it's copied. As for the map, i like it as it is...
Captain America - please don't double post. Just edit the previous post otherwise someone may either give you bad rep or a moderator gives you an...
I disagree what many people say here. Weapon changes make the game different to useful and can be a refreshing change. Isn't that what forrge was...
It looks quite fun and maybe a game of Team SWAT may work well too. It's different to any other map I've seen for a while, I'll give you that :)
An MLG map needs more structure than floating objects to make it look good. The map in itself looks completely playable but the structures do make...
The pictures don't really explain the map well as you can't see what's around the corner but it looks like it could host a good game. It looks...
Try not to double post on posts as many people give you bad rep or you may get an infractation. ( I won,t give you bad rep as i know how annoying...
It does not need improving Faulkner18 - the design is great already and looks like a great map. I love the shield door hole. I was going to use an...
I'd like to see some pictures for this map as a bungie map post doesn't really help explain the map. Here is a guide to making a correct map post:...
Nice - i like the map, it looks quite competitive to play on. I used stacking walls to interlock but the dumpster idea is pretty much simpler and...
You need to include a little more in your post such as a few more screenshots and more of an explanation to how the game is played. (Maybe a...
Im getting tired of people not bothering to find and say the link This link is purely for screenshot posting:...
I think there have been a bit too many D-Day maps know but its a change to see one in foundry. I think the shield doors are a bit of an advantage...
One of the best aesthetic structure i have seen so far. Every detail, the tail, hair etc are brilliant. May i just ask if it is purely aesthetic...
Nice improvement on V1, like where you placed the rocket and sniper - out of the way of immediate action. The rest of the weapon spawns are also...