^^ I bet it's a grav lift in an open box, no?
Awesome I actually really like it and it goes excellently with the title, your all out of your minds! :P 5/5
I was just messing around with some effects and, even though this is an old effect, thought it looked pretty good and went well with my title....
I just wondered what everyone opinion was on the Halo Wars demo that came out today, I haven't finished downloading yet so I can't really comment,...
GT: moshmonkey24 Thank you kind sir. :)
I love this, very simple and effective and it seems very well positioned. My only gripe is that the silhouette seems to hard around the edges,...
Instead of just saying that why don't you actually give him some help? The picture isn't that great, just looks like a rouge helmet really, try...
They are pretty good, all a bit samey though, try varying the armour/poses/effects. Nice collection. 4/5
Yeah, I know what you mean, it's actually raining here right now. :/
I liked "Judgment Day" but I like this so much more this, looks really natural and the armour works well, looks as if he just came out of battle...
Hog-age [IMG] Warthog is preorder only (they give you a code to download at the marketplace) and Wraith is for the Special Ed only.
I doubt it, I might preorder the SCE as it comes with the Mythic maps for H3 and a Warthog with flames (If you preorder) and a wraith with flames...
Me This is mine: [IMG] This looks so much like me it's scary.
And also 'Sandbox' is the name of the map editor for many PC games such as Crysis, would be awesome if you could manipulate terrain... Anyhow...
¬¬ It's a mod as he said in the topic.
Yeah the first one isn't that amazing, just hayabusa on fire as The Spartan III said. 2/5 I love the second one, looks like one half of evil or...
Sweet Now the image works it looks pretty sick, it looks like the sketch effect just amplified, very nice work! 5/5
Cannot see...=[ Firstly, welcome to Forgehub, secondly, I can't your his image either, I just get this: gere[IMG] The screenshot guide LtNite...
dgfsdfsf Thanks so much DRiSCOLL, I'll try to make this next time I get a chance, looks pretty promising and I'll tell you how it works out. Any...
Hey, I'm working on a football map at the moment and was just wondering if anyone could make me some sort of "ball-release mechanism", I currently...