Thanks for the feedback, I'll see if I can make some changes, the background effect was made using 'Tizzape Brushes', and I just used many...
Just started to really get into Photoshop, and here's what I threw up, quite pleased with it myself. I couldn't decide where to put the text so...
New XP ^^ I got bored with Ubuntu, so I went back to XP. [IMG] My super awesome l337 desktop cube: [IMG]
Sorry about getting booted today, my friend doesn't like people he doesn't know unfortunatly. Wanna do a custom sometime?
I totally agree, even if Science did prove that there was no life after death, people will still belive whatever they belived before I presume.
+1 to that, and how did you make Pidgin look so damn good? EDIT: Nvm, found how to.
I say that Science will advance past the point of religion, and will tear the various religious myths apart and leave their bloodied corpses on...
Yeah, but I prefer the real thing, plus if I have OSX I can have Garageband. And Garageband pwns. :D
Thanks for the add, do I know you? xD
Thanks, but I'm gonna try quad boot Ubuntu, Windows 7, Windows XP and Mac OSX Leopard. I'm so l33t. :P
Rapidshare Create a collectors account, and you can keep track of all your files and keep the links private for only the people you want to view...
Any chance you can give a link to XP Ultimate? I'd like to check it out. EDIT: Nvm, I found it.
Your slowly approaching Shocks post count. Soon you shall rule teh w0rldz.
Ok, I found this guide very helpful, although it didn't work for Vinny. Should work, give it a try. Me and Vinny were considering using GNUnet if...
Thanks for the add Nemi, have you had any luck with WASTE? Me and Vinny have tried to connect to each other countless times. Vinny runs it under...
Nice catch, I never seem to catch things like this D: The blood adds a sense of realism also. 5/5
Very nice, looks dark, almost evil, but still a very good landscape. Would make a great desktop background/sig. 4.5/5
Thanks for the invite Vinny, much appreciated :D
Wait, what? What Windows do you run then? [IMG]
Epicness Winesness Dawn is good, but the hands look a bit blocky, good idea with the fire/glow effect though. Skull is a nice addition too. 4/5...