Its not perfect but its not horrible either. 3/5 for map, 3.5/5 for a racing map, and finally 4/5 for being a racing map on Avalanche. 4/5 and a...
I dont really like it but you did a pretty decent job. 3/5 and probably not a DL. Also be carefull next time you post a map.
I dont really get this map by looking @ the pics. 3/5 for now but I'll DL and check it out.
Thanks for the help!
My computers broken so Im using my brothers psp. How do you move threads?
Bnasty whats your problem? What do you have against me?
I just got an idea and I wanna see what ppl think about. Setup: The map will be a foundry canvas (duh!) w/ infinate money. Then I'll get rid of...
Im not much of a fan of using guests as target practice. I dont like sharing screen space either but I like the idea. 3.5/5 from me and maybe a DL.
Ooh great map. It reminds of Hourglass. I loved Hourglass and now I love this map. 5/5 and a DL from me. BTW keep up the good work on your...
Very very nice racing map. Nice use of interlocking. That interlocked wall corner must have taken you forever. 5/5 and a DL from me.
I really like this map. It has a very original feel to it. The med tent looks so cool and I love the damn. Very nice remake. 5/5 and a DL from me.
Um.... I see you sniper! Anyways this is a very....phsycadellic picture. Good job though!
Oh Im retarded. For a second there I didnt get the black armor joke. BTW very funny picture!
Lol, nice idea. Mayb u could put an elite in the water cuz they do kind of look like sharks
I must say that this is the mona lisa of battle ships. It mixes player gameplay w/ nice aesthetics. I like the front and how it looks all wavy. I...
I dont really like the map but I like the gametype. 3/5 and maybe a DL. Perhaps a version 2? Also, why are the humans pink?
Ooh very nice for using no interlocking. This is what an MLG type map would look like w/ out interlocking.I like the different areas too such as...
Finally a good non-aesthetic map on avalanche. Very good interlocking/geomerging. This may make avalanche worth playing on. 5/5 and a DL from me!
Ooh its.... bouncy, and fun! Good job though it doesnt really have anything special. 4/5 and a DL from me.
Its ok but keep in mind that this is a paintball map people. Nice job. 3.5/5 and a DL from me. BTW do u mind if I send u a friend request? I have...