Well i find it good that you think things through. and I understand the pit in your map and trust me I understand why you want it there, you've...
I agree i dont like the pit idea. it could make the gameplay not as good. But for the rest of the map its epic. For you to say that you didnt...
wow that has to be the most exciting story background i've ever heard. That was a huge adrediline rush. As for the map I thought it was good.,...
I think that its hard to see the map, but from what I can see its pretty good. I like the little pipe thing that has the water going through. It...
ok cool, have you saw some of my suggestions on your social group? im just trying to help you.
wow you know what your doing. Every object looks amazing. I cant beleive that someone with a first post can make the map this good. I like the...
I did watch the video and saw the pics. but im a little confused with the hieght of the map. If someone grabbed the brute shot then they could...
ok thanks a lot I know your just trying to help so thanks
this is a creative idea, i have never seen it done before. If the zombies shoot through the planks will it hit the humans? Will you make the...
well im glad that your trying to help, I saw some forging school this morning and i understand so much more. The best of luck to you trying to...
I like this the interlocking is incredible. i like how its way up in the air, that makes the forging even harder. This is one of the best tracks...
hey i was on youtube and i saw your forging schools, they were very helpful, I was just wondering when there is going to be more lessons? Thanks...
wow a map on snowbound. This is rare. Although im not a fan of snowbound. I think that this map could be fun with a large party. Im sorry to...
this is a good montage. I like the ctf at narrows when the guy with the flag gets away. It was a funny montage, and your sniper is pretty good...
Thanks for this ive been wondering how to do this but never took the time to look at this post.
wow you were right you did take the time on this. The interlocked ramp with the walls were amazing though. Its hard to make something like that....
I was checking through the maps and I saw this one, its good I too like the sniper spawn, the interlocking does look nice especially the sniper...