If there was a lot more long range weapons then you should have posted that in you description with a weapon list. example of a weapon list:...
the is really good. Is what really drew my attention though was the sniper spawn. I like the idea that its in a fence box so people can shoot at...
first off im glad to see that the picture are actually on here, most post today there hasnt been anything on the post but a discreption. As for...
Yea your right this is the first map today up to standards on the first post without fixing it. i give you a 3/5 for that also you should check...
ok this is the third new map in a row that isnt up to forgehub standards. heres a link on how you should do your post, because you dont have any...
Yea i agree its an awsome shot, but i would have like to see the face more, its still a epic shot, i mean i could never make one like that 4.5/5...
this is most definatly the best screen shot that ive ever seen, I really like the shield, it looks like its crushing his face, lol. Also its...
This looks good to be infection, i mean most infection maps now in day are cats n mouse, or 1 person trapped in a cage. Its cool too see...
Wow this is amazing. You really worked hard on those geomerged boxes, and bridges. I can really see the time that you spent on this. How is he...
the maps looks pretty good, although i think its possible to escape. And to make you map look even more neat try to straiten up your walls and...
I really like this map, I like how you made like the whole map look like a holy place. It gives it a good touch. As for the shield doors that...
ok cool
umm, it should be at my house by tomarrow because the people e-mailed us saying that it would be here. When it does ill send ya a request.
My shots a kill i should get the xbox either today or tomarrow
first off I could like to say that this map is spectacular, (why haven't i ever seen it?) Its amazing I like how you have the ghost spawn in the...
This is awsome. I really like how you made those bridges in the ground with the other bridges as cover (in pic 10). The bases also look like they...
lol well tahnks for breaking it though, in a way im kinda glad you did, this means now in my next map (thats almost done with the design) I will...
alright, sounds cool, I should have my xbox back in the next 2-3 days so ill add you then and we can get forging
I dont know if you did this on accident or not but I like how you made the double boxes not even so it makes bumps. It creates the track to be...
Ok you did 2 things write you had a description and a dl link. heres a link on how you should post your maps. Forge Hub Halo Forums -...