are you the one who is making my sig?
I dont know but i have a thought. I think you get your picture on photoshop, then you press the text button in it. The you can type what you...
he told me that all you do is custom make it out of photoshop. then you put it on photobucket and get it from there to here
ok thanks a lot man i appreciate it.
hey i was wondering, i made an image on photoshop, how do i get it onto my sig, once i get on edit sig?
ok thanks a lot I hope other people like it too, and i figured out how to do the step 2, thanks
oh ok, I thought that you had to use codes or some sort. Thanks for the help
yes sir, I would like to know how to do stuff like that for the next time i post a map i could do my design of banners.
hey how do you make sub heading like the one in this post
ok i will, thanks a lot for the guide though, i hate it when my maps die.
ok i cant even stand here and listen to you guys debate if god is real or not. Years ago the world was full of religion now only a small percent...
yeah me too, but ive never met you before how did you know my xbox was broken?
i cant stand a teleporter in a competitve map. I think that it kinda ruins the whole meaning. In minigame and infection maps i like it but not...
when i think of an idea i go onto paint, I think paint is the most useful cause you can label make any structures that you just couldnt make on...
good guide i just have one question though. when you said "2nd step" graphics in yur post, on that link how do you make a sub title like that?
the video is working for me. I saw this map a while back and i downloaded it. the elevator was quite amazing, ive never seen that done before....
what do you guys mean by he modd? Is that why he was walking on the shield doors?
all i want to know about the map is how he was walking on the shield doors.
I like the idea of that, its kinda like the teleporters off of the series Jack and Daxter. lol i love that game. And yeah i think thats the way...
hey on your budget glitch video, if i download the map, will i have to set any run time minimuns or maximums or can i just start forging?