sorry guys i didnt mean to do that, my comp was lagging and its was going all crazy i didnt even mean for that to happen, this is what i needed....
hey guys ive bee n working on this map and i need help with this box merge. [IMG] The double box is about 1 inch. up from the ground i need help...
ok cool
yeah it keeps me motivated to making the map, I've got a lot more ideas that im going to put on it I cant wait for it when its finished.
lol, well thanks for the comment, lol I'm not gooing to worry about Mace as much I placed mine in a different spot then from the template, I made...
Lol I got on mine name from the internet i went to Although I've always wanted to name a map Lithium Just a suggestion you...
yeah that is a man cannon and im thinking about puting a rocket where it will shoot you, also it will shoot you to a ledge. See im glad you...
yea sure, its not ready to be tested yet but when it does, u can
hey dude sorry about not replying back to you on live. I finally got my xbox back about 9 days ago. I forgot to read my messages. I've been kinda...
Thanks for the comments guys i will try and remeber to tell you guys about it when It comes out just remeber the title Explicit
Hey guys I've been working on this map ever since I got my x-box back about 9 days ago. Its only about 30% done! so keep that in mind. I think...
oh ok, and no problem, your map was nice I hope to see it get featured.
Map Voted For: Stratus Reason: For its amazing gameplay, awsome athestics, and overall great map layout. Testing?: yes (I would like to...
lol already 3 maps. This one has to be my favorite of the three. This has so many routes it will help long range and short range shots. It...
you guys are being way to critical. I think that the creativity, interlocking, geomerging, and overall map layout is awsome. There might be to...
u said that my picture was to large so i posted another one with a link to it in the Legacy thread. I was asking if that picture that i linked...
is that knew pic, i gave you good for the sig?
hey good job, i really like what your trying to do here, it was a great guide, and i actually learned some stuff. Nice job, and thanks for the...
yeah i know lol, oh well apparently know one else cares. Im surprised this hasnt got more replies in it
oh ok i was just wondering, so will it be done today or tomorrow?