I gotta admit that is pretty cool, keep it up :)
Re: its a pooping aligator Lol thats cool, although bigger pictures would be better.
Re: County Jail: A Unique Prison Break Map Looks like a cool map, I'm going to download it, see how it plays.
This sounds like a really good map, but I need some screenshots before I DL.
Welcome to the site Tronix, :)
Most people haven't, I just typed in Halo Wars in Google and this is what came up.
Lol I know, I couldn't think of anything else to put as feet at the time.
Re: City Of the Dead. Insane Detail! I'm sorry, but this Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post...
Yeah its an RTS, I sometimes get RPG and RTS mixed up as well
Oh thought the cars drove on top of the boxes, if they drive inside them, then I see your point
Actually Tit I wasn't lying, I thought it was quite good but it needed an bit more detail and that the bridge should be a bit wider :)
Alright to embed screenshots, first right click on the screenshot you want to embed, right click and press, 'Save as' and save it, now it should...
Much better, only thing I would say would be to make it a little bit more detailed, like adding signs on the bridge or making it a bit wider,...
I have to admit that is pretty cool, I've tried making something like that large circular thing, trust me, it's pretty hard, the only thing I...
Give a wider view of the whole crash, instead of right up close.
Yeah try more screenshots, because all I can see is a basically a truck and some boxes and barrels, like Kapura said more pics=more feedback :)
Looks like a good map I'll download and give some feedback
Yeah, but its hard to make a really big asethetics map and make it look good on the outside and the inside, I wasn't even going to make this...
Ok I'm not going to state the obvious about this thread because everyone else already has, though I am going to say I looked at the screenshots...