Well, I joined forge hub because some guy on my thread said that I should join as it had some of the best forgers, so I joined
Thanks, but this is a map I made quite a while ago, so it's not that good.
As far as I know the Guilders and Masons wont stop accepting people, as along as the good quality of forgers
Re: BAR FIGHT v2 (Interactive Lobby/ Machinima/ Cops and Robbers) WITH PICS! Yeah the purple orb looks sick and its pretty intersting
Thanks I'm glad you liked it, but you should cut down on the number of posts your making, you replied to like three pages of maps in this section...
Thanks :D, oh and the new pics are up, should be working now.
Lol thats cool
I was thinking about putting them on but i couldnt find anything to make them out of and I thought it looked fine without them.
Cool, I made my first LOTR map way back, I only made three and never got around to making anymore. I was thinking about making Edoras or Osgiliath...
Lol I saw this a few weeks ago, loved it.
Thanks I think both of ours turned out great.
Welcome to Forge Hub Morphine, can't wait to see what maps you make :D
Welcome to Forge Hub Sword, can't wait to see what maps you produce :squirrel_hug:
He is WoolyDireWolf :squirrel_eyebrow: lol
Yeah it's based on time and behavior, personally I don't care what my rank is on B.net, it's a good site but like Roche said people spam to much...
If you want there are some good houses in the aesthetics map section.
Well I like to make aesthetics, but more along the lines of vehicles and replicas.
Yeah it will be hard but at least your trying, I forgive you.
What type of map are you looking for?
Yeah everyone is interested in making star wars maps now.